No, this isn't a Christmas post. But I only had red and green sanding sugar, because the last time I tried decorating cookies with Jack was over ten months ago. I was planning on making pretty autumnal orange and red icing, but Spaceboy saw the sprinkles when I was digging out the food coloring, and my fate was sealed. Sprinkles it just had to be. We'll save icing for another day, perhaps when we're out of sprinkles. Judging by today's sprinkle quota, that day might be tomorrow.
Yesterday I was caught in torrential downpour (apparently September and October are now Monsoon Season in Virginia) and my second pair of hands (the Ergo) was soaked. I'm beginning to understand why some of my friends have so many carriers. Baby Bear decided he was having a Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day. So I put a new (to me) carry to the test with my Storchenwiege wrap. I promised we would make cookies today, so make cookies we must.
While Baby Bear fussed and bounced around up there I was able to start the bread machine and begin making cookies with Spaceboy.
By the time we got to this point, Baby Bear succumbed to his fatigue and I was able to transfer him to the crib.
I feel the need to provide photographic evidence that I really did indeed move him from my back to the crib without him waking up. I can't quite believe it myself, especially since I am very new to back wrapping. After I put the baby down I came back in to discover Spaceboy had gone a little too far with the sprinkles (see first photo of this post). I felt a bit like a paleontologist unearthing raw cookie bones with a pastry brush. Thank you Silpat for an easy cleanup!
Everything was going so nauseatingly perfect until the boy decided to treat every cookie like his own personal artwork and had a minor meltdown when mama dared eat one of his masterpieces. Sigh. No photographic evidence of that. Sorry.