I'm sorry I haven't posted in a little while. It's been a bit busy over here, as we are getting ready to move to a new house and a new town 200 miles away in just a few weeks! May 21st the movers (luxury of a military move) are coming to pack us up...oh goodness...I am running out of time!!!! PANIC! MAYHEM! Someone, quickly, pass me a paper bag! Deeeep breaths. Yes. Okay.
To further complicate matters I injured my back and it's been slow to heal, and of all wonderful things that could happen, one of the short people decided he wanted to share a nice stomach bug with all of us. Yuck.
As you might be able to guess, blogging isn't high on the priority list. Wait - where did my lists go? PANIC!! (Just kidding. Not.) But here I am, feeling peaky and watching my 3 year old eat his way through my house (oatmeal, a ton of yogurt, strawberries, apples, cheese, popcorn, FOUR homemade almond and cherry larabars, an oatmeal cookie). It's nauseating. I bet he's planning on outgrowing his shoes again. Sigh. Just hold on until the dust settles in our new home, okay kiddo?
We take possession on the 1st of June, and we'll camp out for a few days until our stuff is delivered by the movers. Now that I am dealing with sickness, lack of energy, and a general sense of dread and panic, I am feeling my earlier plans for hauling our reusable camping dishes around was a bad idea. I think I might get paper dishes and plastic utensils and forbid the use of any of our dishes (except coffee mugs. There is no way I'm going to get Husband to drink out of paper cups.) On one hand it really clashes with my thrifty and Eco-friendly selves, and on the other I think my workload could use a little lightening.
I planned on moving Andy into disposable diapers for a few days while we stay with my mom and get settled in (and buy a washer). Now I'm thinking, hmm, wish I had some 'sposies on hand right now. Good news, smiling suppresses the gag reflex!
I wonder if I can do something about the rest of our laundry, but so far the only thing I've come up with is this: "Dear family, from now until we are moved in and unpacked, we will be nudist. Love, mom."
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