Saturday, February 11, 2012

Planning failures and chocolate therapy

I had such a nice meal planned for us this evening. I was going to cook a beef roast with cauliflower and brussels sprouts. Yum! I'm more of a beans and ground beef cook, so I had no idea how to cook my roast. At 4:30 this afternoon I went searching for some quick time/temp information and I discovered my nice grassfed chuck roast needed to cook for 3-4 hours. With both kids short on sleep and long on whining, I needed a backup plan. 

I threw together a half-hearted attempt at Lo Mein and called it a day. It wasn't bad for a 30 minute supper, but hardly what I had been looking forward to all week. Husband and I enjoyed some light dinner conversation on the subject of our favorite Science fiction TV series' and tried to ignore the whining, wailing and complaining of the 3 year old.

My tertiary plan is to eat some chocolate, coerce my husband into giving me a foot rub, and watch some Stargate SG-1. Nerdymom wins tonight. :)

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