Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cooking Traditionally in a Small Kitchen

This is a post for a friend. She and I share the misery of small kitchens. I wanted to show her she isn't alone! Dear friend, this evening I stood in the middle of my galley and put my hand in the sink while reaching with the other to grab something off the stove. I didn't even have to stretch to accomplish this.

This is pretty much what my kitchen looks like, every single evening. I took this photo while standing inside the "pantry" (a coat closet that Husband put some shelves in).

 From left to right: my recipe/menu planner is sitting on top of the crockpot (now empty, it was making stock earlier), I have sourdough English muffin dough in the yellow bowl, apple slices for snacking in the orange bowl on the butcher block, behind the butcher block I have Harvey (my sourdough starter), Beverly (water kefir), fermenting carrots (wrapped in two towels to protect them from light), and pineapple vinegar. Beyond the sink (half full of dirty dishes I can't wash because the boy's room is right across the hall) there is a tiny corner of counter that I set my drying rack on.

In the morning I will have to move the crockpot and butcher block to the stove so I can knead and form my English muffins.

From left to right: our new Berkey water filter (completely worth the space! the water tastes great!), a crock of coconut oil, behind that is my tool turnabout, then the stove (complete with dirty dishes), and a tiny bit of counter where I keep the coffee cannisters and the electric kettle. Normally I have a small cutting board size area clear but right now my fridge is full of stock so there are a few things sitting out (maple syrup, hot sauce, etc)

Well L.A.S I hope that make you feel better about your kitchen. Misery loves company, right? :)

This post is shared with the following blog hops: Monday Mania at Kitchen Stewardship; Traditional Tuesdays at Cooking Traditional Foods ; Simple Lives Thursday #86 at GNOWFGLINS


  1. Holly, I'm not sure you even remember me, but I was hanging around the Swede a few years ago and met you through the Elliots. Just wanted to say I like your blog and find it very encouraging to see another mom doing cloth diapers (did i pick up on that?), lacto fermenting everything, and treating a fever with some good bone broth. I have a 5 month old and am learning a lot about natural healing.

  2. Hi Hannah! I'm happy to hear that you found my blog encouraging. When you are a new mom and you do things a little differently, it's hard sometimes and can feel very isolating. At least, it feels so to me! Yes, I'm a cloth diapering, breastfeeding, babywearing, and future homeschooling mama. :)

    I don't know if you've looked into homeopathy at all, I've found it very helpful at times. Chamomilia is a dream-come-true teething remedy, if you haven't discovered it yet, it is worth having around a new baby. (congrats by the way!)

  3. Holly, I missed this but am so glad I am reading it now! You definitely have a challenging kitchen but way to go! No excuses just results! By the way, did you see the kitchen of a WAPF chapter leader? She lives in a trailer and does a crazy good job.

    1. Wow - NO I hadn't seen that one. That is beyond nuts. The house we are moving to the kitchen isn't any bigger but it's in a different part of the house from the bedrooms, so I'll be able to do more during naps and after bedtime. I'm looking forward to that!


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